
Unity 3D

A visual cheat-sheet for the 50 keyboard shortcuts found in Unity 3D

#Keyboard Shortcuts


Shortcut Action
Q Pan
W Move
E Rotate
R Scale
T Rect tool
Z Pivot mode toggle
X Pivot rotation toggle
V Vertex snap
Ctrl (left click) Snap


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift N New empty game object
Alt Shift N New empty child to selected game object
Ctrl Alt F Move to view
Ctrl Shift F Align with view
Shift F Locks the scene view camera to the selected GameObject


Shortcut Action
Ctrl 1 Scene
Ctrl 2 Game
Ctrl 3 Inspector
Ctrl 4 Hierarchy
Ctrl 5 Project
Ctrl 6 Animation
Ctrl 7 Profiler
Ctrl 9 Asset store
Ctrl 0 Version control
Ctrl Shift C Console


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Z Undo
Ctrl Shift Z Redo (MacOS)
Ctrl Y Redo (Windows)
Ctrl X Cut
Ctrl C Copy
Ctrl V Paste
Ctrl D Duplicate
Shift Del Delete
F Frame center selection
Ctrl F Find
Ctrl A Select all
Ctrl P Play
Ctrl Shift P Pause
Ctrl Alt P Step


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift 1-9 Load selection 1-9
Ctrl Alt 1-9 Save selection 1-9


Shortcut Action
Ctrl R Refresh


Shortcut Action
Shift , First keyframe
Shift K Key modified
K Key selected
Shift . Last keyframe
. Next frame
Alt . Next keyframe
Space Play animation
, Previous frame
Alt , Previous keyframe

#Also see