

A visual cheat-sheet for the 37 keyboard shortcuts found in Todoist

#Keyboard Shortcuts

#Task Quick Add

Shortcut Action
@ Add a label
# Pick a project
+ Add an assignee
p1/p2/p3/p4 Set a priority level
Ctrl M Add a comment to a newly created task
Alt Enter Save and go to comments (Win 10 only)
Tab Open full task editor (Win 10 only)


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Click Select and change multiple tasks at once
Q Add task
A Add new task at the bottom of the list
Shift A Add new task at the top of the list
/ Open search
U Undo last action
F5 Manually sync
Home Navigate to default page
PgUp Navigate back in 1-pane/2-pane view
PgDown Navigate forward in 1-pane/2-pane view

#Adding or editing tasks

Shortcut Action
Esc Cancel current changes
Enter Save a newly created task and create a new one below it
Shift Enter Save changes to an existing task and create a new task below it
Ctrl Enter Save a new task or save changes to an existing one and create a new task above it
Ctrl Up Move to the task above the task currently being edited
Ctrl Down Move to the task below the task currently being edited

#Creating and completing sub-tasks

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Alt Right Increase task indent
Ctrl Alt Left Decrease task indent
Shift (click) Complete a sub-task or recurring task and archive it

#Sorting tasks inside a project

Shortcut Action
S Sort by date
P Sort by priority
R Sort by assignee
Shortcut Action
Ctrl 1 Inbox
Ctrl Shift 1 Team Inbox (Todoist Business only)
Ctrl 2 Today
Ctrl 3 Next 7 days
Ctrl 4 Projects
Ctrl 5 Labels
Ctrl 6 Filters
Ctrl , Settings

#Also see